First United Methodist Church, Bloomington Indiana


​     ​View this document and photos of ministers that have served our church throughout the years.  Visit the third floor hall Archive Gallery, just outside room 310.


First United Methodist Church, 219 E 4th ST. Bloomington, Indiana 47401   812-332-6396

NOTE: This site is under development.  
At present the site lists the types of materials contained in the Archives. Additional categories, information, dates, descriptions, and links will be added.     Please contact us if you have questions or wish to visit the archives


  • FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH was founded in 1818,the same year that Monroe County was organized and in advance of other churches and denominations in Bloomington. Daniel Anderson, a Methodist Circuit Rider, was appointed as the church’s first minister.

  • When the cornerstone for the current church building was laid in 1909, church historian William F. Browning listed in the program, reproduced below, the names of the ministers who had served this congregation from its founding until that time.

Buildings and Architecture


Pastors, 1818-2015

Stained Glass Windows Tour:  Symbols and Art

A self-guided tour.  Brochure available upon request.  


Bicentennial Celebration, 1818-2018

Watch for information and announcements

A Treasure Trove of History

History and Archives Committee: An archival Adventure.

Available soon.

​​A Brief History of Our Church, 1818-1999

From a log cabin to a home at the corner of 4th and Washington